
October 29, 2017 Aji Suryo Purnomo 0 Comments

Salam Blogger indonesia. A blogging activist, programmer and technician at one of the companies.
The author is still learning and many things must be studied diligently. This blog is a good writer's record of experience, tips or tutorials and materials in college so that the author can reopen if the author forgot the problems and lessons that have ever faced and expected to be useful for the reader.
author Born on April 2, 1996 from a small district in central Java, precisely in Tegal, know writing since from grade 1 elementary school because the author was not kindergarten school, it's nothing, because because there was no school Tk.

Many articles on this blog the possibility of his words difficult to understand, his words are incomplete or the writer is less good or less complete,
in accordance with write on this blog is just a note and personal experience, to recall problems, lessons I've ever got
so I do not bother anymore looking for a solution. but for friends who may have accidentally stopped by my blog I hope you find the solution you are looking for.

From the bottom of the heart, the authors say thank you for visiting, when there is a mistake in deliberate or unintentional please to give input to the author to fix if there is a spare time later, do not forget to comment and if there are questions please send an email via contact page which has been provided in this blog. The author's hope for the reader is that readers can filter and retrieve something useful from this blog. Keep the spirit do not complain in life, because complain only belongs to those who fail.

Yours sincerely: Aji Suryo Purnomo Amd.Kom


Berkomentarlah yang positif dan membangun insaa allah penulis akan menampung segala masukan positif dan mengimplementasikan saran saran bijak dari anda terimakasih.